[Vision2020] Re: new buildings / additional thread: Neil Diamond

Debbie Gray dgray@uidaho.edu
Sat, 06 Dec 2003 23:06:34 -0800 (PST)

Someone else emailed me that the other building is going to be the Palouse
Day Surgery clinic. By the way, where is Sears going to be? In the
Eastside Marketplace somewhere? Where is used to be or? Sorry, I am very

no comment on Neil or the BeeGees but I am currently swingin' to Dean
Martin.... as much as one can swing after wrapping 3249 Xmas presents and
wrestling a 5.5 yr old and 20 month old all day....

On Sat, 6 Dec 2003, Brent Capener wrote:

> Debbie Gray asked about the building projects behind Walmart etc.
> One is a new Mormon church (3rd for Moscow).  Don't know about the
> second. In other news: Sears is scheduled to open 12/12/03 and as of a
> week ago things were on schedule.
> >From a third party I heard that Furniture West plans to build a new
> >building north of Moscow/Pullman Building Center this spring.

  Debbie Gray      dgray@uidaho.edu      http://www.uidaho.edu/~dgray/
  We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to
  have the life that is waiting for us." --Joseph Campbell