[Vision2020] unequivocal words of God
Mon, 25 Aug 2003 17:31:06 -0700
Dear Visionaries:
Just a thought: if you are quick to listen to liars, the more they will
deceive you. Many false rumors have been spread far and wide by cowardly
enemies of Mr. Wilson; perhaps we should be slow to deal out character
judgement when we've only heard a faint and distorted echo of the story.
Sincerely and respectfully,
Luke Nieuwsma
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerald Patrick" <thamar@qwickconnect.net>
To: <vision2020@moscow.com>
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 3:51 PM
Subject: [Vision2020] unequivocal words of God
> Hello Visionaries,
> First time caller, long time listener.
> Douglas Wilson's belief in right and wrong compels him to pontificate all
> over the web, which is fine. These forums liberate the tired, the poor,
> huddled masses yearning to breath free. But why on God's green 20/20 does
> Wilson think we should listen to him? He has all the credibility of a
> shark, and a few of the moves. This man took church money to pay off
> gambling expenses, and he has the nerve to lecture us about "mostly right
> and kinda wrong." If he bent his values here, then where else is he
> crooked? I for one believe that, when it comes to sermons on
> Douglas Wilson deals from the bottom of the deck.
> Thank you, I can breath freer.
> Sincerely,
> Pat
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