[Vision2020] President Hoover's Resignation

DonaldH675@aol.com DonaldH675@aol.com
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 21:31:29 EDT

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Dear Visionaries,
Although President Hoover may be a fine fellow on a personal level, what=20
concrete accomplishments has he initiated that actually benefited UI=20
students, staff, or faculty during his tenure?  As a retired UI employee I=20
can think of precious few.  On the negative side, the number of Vice=20
Presidents and senior hierarchy (with huge salaries) increased, academic=20
programs were eliminated, and class size grew. =E2=80=A6 while the Boise *fr=
aud* was=20
being funded behind the scenes.  UI continues to pay a larger salary to the=20
football coach than to most (if not all) of the faculty.  Little effort has=20
been made to provide educational outreach to working people who are unable t=
attend daytime classes but could attend evening lectures.  The LMT articles=20
on the debacle of the Boise Center illustrate a grave failure of judgment,=20
and frankly, a woeful lack of integrity, among several senior UI bureaucrats=
including the president.  I wonder why the State Board would accept Presiden=
Hoover's resignation while allowing Acting President Pitcher, who was well=20
aware of the questionable accounting issues, to continue in his present role=

Rosemary Huskey

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Dear Visionaries,<BR>
Although President Hoover may be a fine fellow on a personal level, what con=
crete accomplishments has he initiated that actually benefited UI students,=20=
staff, or faculty during his tenure?&nbsp; As a retired UI employee I can th=
ink of precious few.&nbsp; On the negative side, the number of Vice Presiden=
ts and senior hierarchy (with huge salaries) increased, academic programs we=
re eliminated, and class size grew. =E2=80=A6 while the Boise *fraud* was be=
ing funded behind the scenes.&nbsp; UI continues to pay a larger salary to t=
he football coach than to most (if not all) of the faculty.&nbsp; Little eff=
ort has been made to provide educational outreach to working people who are=20=
unable to attend daytime classes but could attend evening lectures.&nbsp; Th=
e LMT articles on the debacle of the Boise Center illustrate a grave failure=
 of judgment, and frankly, a woeful lack of integrity, among several senior=20=
UI bureaucrats, including the president.&nbsp; I wonder why the State Board=20=
would accept President Hoover's resignation while allowing Acting President=20=
Pitcher, who was well aware of the questionable accounting issues, to contin=
ue in his present role. <BR>
Rosemary Huskey<BR>